Much of my work examines states’ asylum policies and the rights they grant refugees. A second research program deals with individual attitudes towards refugees. My newest project will examine what constitutes a refugee crisis, how the designation of a situation as a refugee crisis shapes the behavior of state and nonstate actors, and what the consequences are for refugees themselves. Across these three themes (refugee policies and rights, individual attitudes towards refugees, and global refugee crises), I draw on a variety of methodological approaches and types of empirical evidence to make compelling theoretical arguments.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Working Papers

  • “It’s Not the Economy: The Effect of Framing Arguments on Attitudes toward Refugees,” with Scott Blinder and Rebecca Hamlin (revise & resubmit)
  • “Democratization and Attitudes towards Immigrants in the Middle East and North Africa” with Bess Davis
  • “Assessing Refugee Rights: New Data and Analysis” with Rebecca Cordell and Idean Salehyan
  • “Conceptualizing and Measuring Refugee Crises”

Other Writing